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The Action Hot Codes

These codes are used to mimic an action you may take to assist while typing or to automate a repetitive typing task.

Code Action Example
<COPY> Copy the current selection into the clipboard  
<COPY:file-name> Copy the current selection into the clipboard and save it to a file-name file <COPY:myaddress.txt> will copy the current selection to a file named "myaddress.txt" in Asutype's data folder.
<COPY:#key> Copy the current selection into the clipboard named key in Asutype's multiple clipboard system <COPY:#1> will copy the current selection to the clipboard #1 (which you can paste as <Ctrl+]+1>.
<PASTE> Paste the clipboard to your document  
<PASTE:file-name> Place the content of the file file-name into the clipboard and paste it to your document <PASTE:myaddress.txt> will paste the content of the file "myaddress.txt" to the current caret position.
<PASTE:#key> Paste the content of the clipboard named key in Asutype's multiple clipboard system to your document  
Insert the content of the file file-name into the current document <INC:c:\my-locked-access-folder\my-password.txt> will read the content of the file my-password.txt from the folder my-locked-access-folder and paste it into the target document.

The code above allows you to paste out sensitive text without displaying the text in the shortcut itself.
Insert the content of the shortcut having the hot text hot-text into the current document Kind regards,

will insert the content of the shortcut /my-signature/ out after typing "Kind regards"

The code above allows you to re-use a certain shortcut in several other places, thus makes maintenance of shortcuts easier.
<OPEN:executable-file-name> Launch the application whose executable file name is executable-file-name <OPEN:notepad.exe> will launch NotePad
Find and activate the window with the title title. The title can be a part of the real title of the window. <ACTIVATE:NotePad> will bring the current NotePad window up front.
Activate the window with the title title.

If there is no such a window found then launch the application which executable file name is executable-file-name
<ACTIVATE:NotePad|notepad.exe> will bring the current NotePad window up front. If NotePad is not running, launch NotePad.
Display a message and wait until you click the "OK" button <MSG:NotePad is launched. Press OK to continue> will pop-up a message box saying "NotePad is launched. Press OK to continue" and wait until you click the "OK" button to continue.
Pro Version Only
Display a message but not wait <NOTE:Your file is open> will pop-up a message box saying "Your file is open" and keep continuing with text expansion.
<ASK> Stop the text expansion, pop-up a box to ask you to enter some text, then put that text into the target document and resume the expansion Dear <ASK>,
Thank you for your inquiry.

will ask you to enter a name and then put that name into the letter. For example, if you enter Dr. Dolittle then the final text will be:

Dear Dr. Dolittle,
Thank you for your inquiry.
<ASK:=initial-value> Stop the text expansion, ask you to either confirm using the initial-value or enter something else, then put that result into the target document and resume the expansion Your class will do <ASK:=training> tomorrow

will pop-up a box having the training word in it.

If you press Enter without entering anything, the final text will be:

Your class will do training tomorrow

If you enter indoor lesson, the final text will be:

Your class will do indoor lesson tomorrow
<ASK:reusable-name> If the reusable-name is the first occurrence in the shortcut, Asutype will stop the text expansion, pop-up a box to ask you to enter some text, then put that text into the target document and resume the expansion.

If the reusable-name has been asked before in the shortcut, Asutype simply replace it with the first answer.
We will study <ASK:subject> this term. Studying <ASK:subject> can be fun.

will ask you to enter a subject and then use that subject in two places in the shortcut.

For example, if you enter biology then the final text will be:

We will study biology this term. Studying biology can be fun.
<ASK:reusable-name=initial-value> If the reusable-name is the first occurrence in the shortcut, Asutype will stop the text expansion, ask you to either confirm using the initial-value or enter something else, then put that result into the target document and resume the expansion.

If the reusable-name has been asked before in the shortcut, Asutype simply replace it with the answer of the first occurrence.
We will play <ASK:what=baseball> this term. Playing <ASK:what> is cool.

will pop-up a box having the baseball in it.

If you press Enter without entering anything, the final text will be:

We will play baseball this term. Playing baseball is cool.

If you enter soccer, the final text will be:

We will play soccer this term. Playing soccer is cool.
<CHOOSE:choice-1| choice-2|choice-3...>
Pro Version Only
To ask you to select one choice between several pre-defined choices to type at runtime. The choices are separated by | We are using <CHOOSE::IE|FireFox|Chrome> browser.

will ask you to choose between IE, FireFox and Chrome. If you choose IE, your final text will be:

We are using IE browser.
<CHOOSE:title=choice-1| choice-2|choice-3...>
Pro Version Only
To pop-up in a box having title title and ask you to select one choice between several pre-defined choices to type at runtime. The choices are separated by |. We are using <CHOOSE::What browser?=IE|FireFox|Chrome> browser.

will ask you to choose between IE, FireFox and Chrome. If you choose IE, your final text will be:

We are using IE browser.

The pop-up box has a title What browser?
<XCHOOSE:choice-1| choice-2 |choice-3...>
Pro Version Only
To ask you to select one or more choices between several pre-defined choices to type at runtime. The choices are separated by | We are using <XCHOOSE:IE|FireFox|Chrome> browsers.

will ask you to choose one or more options between IE, FireFox and Chrome. If you choose FireFox and Chrome, your final text will be:

We are using Firefox, Chrome browsers.

Note that Asutype will separate the choices by a comma followed by a space.
<XCHOOSE:title=choice-1| choice-2|choice-3...>
Pro Version Only
To pop-up in a box having title title and ask you to select one or more choices between several pre-defined choices to type at runtime. The choices are separated by | We are using <XCHOOSE:What browser?=IE|FireFox|Chrome> browsers.

will ask you to choose one or more options between IE, FireFox and Chrome. If you choose FireFox and Chrome, your final text will be:

We are using Firefox, Chrome browsers.

Note that Asutype will separate the choices by a comma followed by a space.

The pop-up box has a title What browser?
<XCHOOSE:separator:title= choice-1|choice-2|choice-3...>
Pro Version Only
To pop-up in a box having title title and ask you to select one or more choices between several pre-defined choices to type at runtime. The choices are separated by |.

The final choices are separated by separator.
We are using <XCHOOSE: and :What browser?=IE|FireFox|Chrome> browsers.

will ask you to choose one or more options between IE, FireFox and Chrome. If you choose FireFox and Chrome, your final text will be:

We are using Firefox and Chrome browsers.

The pop-up box has a title What browser?
<HERE> Place the caret at this position after expanding the text www.<HERE>.com will be expanded to and place the caret at the location between the two dots.
<FLASH> Flash the screen <COPY><FLASH> will flash the screen when the text is copied into the clipboard



  • The reusable-name in code <ASK:reusable-name> is case-insensitive. Which means, <ASK:what>, <ASK:WHAT>, <ASK:What> and <ASK:wHaT> are the different occurrences of the same reusable-name.
  • The separator of code <XCHOOSE:separator:title=choice-1|choice-2|choice-3...> uses some special characters to denote the use of tab, new line, semicolon and circumflex as:
    • ^r for carriage return
    • ^n for nothing (an empty mark)
    • ^t for tab
    • ^s for semicolon
    • ^c for the circumflex character ^ itself

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